I go through phases; sometimes spending years sculpting figures, sometimes playing with fiber, sometimes I am called to paint or play with mixed media. At other times my time is spent writing. At all times I have a camera ready and photography will kidnap me for months on end.
There are far too many mediums and ideas for me to focus on one thing ... it's not how I am wired.
I am passionate and pulled in a thousand directions. That's just how I roll.
These are just a few of the creations that have been born here on the farm over the years.
I have always loved the German style 'Old World' Father Christmas and of course, I am all about animals so these vygnettes have been a particular joy. The Santas and children have all been created from air-dry (stone) clay. The animals have either been needlefelted or re-birthed with layers of clay.
Since the 90's much of my time was spent developing a Christmas line. I sculpted Father Christmas and Santas from 'polymer' clay as well as Ol' Boys ... my take on the elf.
I started with trade shows in the USA where I supplied dozens of stores with 'One of A Kind' creations.
That was more work than I could handle so I switched to doing shows in the US in New York, Ohio, Michigan, Washington DC, Kansas and the odd show in Canada.
Next on the agenda, I focused on Ebay for a number of years and was delighted to meet wonderful people and have the opportunity to reach further with my works of heart.
And then ... I needed a rest, so the handsculpted figures have been on hiatus for the last couple years.
I have some plans this year for a whole new line that has me kind of excited.
I started needle felting in 2001. That was long before Google & tutorials. I had one needle & some wool and thought ...now what do I do? It didn't take long to figure it out and I have been poking around ever since.
I love the fact that you just grab a hold of a needle and follow your imagination.
As always, the animals have held a special place in my heart. I have also greatly enjoyed creating art pieces in the form of bags, figures and wall hangings.
I teach the art of needle felting and just need a little encouragement to put a group together - which I will do at any time.
I built my first ark in 1988 and for a few years sold them with carved animals from Kenya and no Noah.
It wasn't long before I was carving my own animals and of course, Noah & Joan because it simply was unacceptable to have a captainless Ark.
I built every ship, right from planing the wood and I watched them sail off all around the world.
Over the years, I have created well over a thousand arks. I ran out of steam awhile back, but I have a feeling I still have an ark or two left in me.
I will do workshops on pretty well everything I do ... if you put your own group together with 5 people, I will carve a time that's convenient for you. Contact me at evscott@quadro.net
I will have some here at the farm in the spring that will be posted on my Studio page.
I have always seen hair in a grubby, colourful old paint brush - I just added the face & fashion. This is just a quick sampling ... dozens of paintbrushes have gone on to a new life.
I have worked with Alcohol Inks since they first came out which is so long ago that I can't remember. If there is something new and cool, of course I'm going to try it.
I have been a non-painter; not because I wouldn't enjoy it but because I've been busy doing so many other things that I haven't sat down and devoted the countless hours it takes to become proficient. Alcohol Inks have been perfect for me. It fulfills my love for tools and techniques. I am Colour Addict - they are vibrant and rich and blend wonderfully. They move around and can go in their own direction without much guidance on my part. I like that. Sculpting and other things I do take are so detailed that I am happy to play with something I don't have to control so tightly. All I have to do is decide if I like it or not. Lately I've decided that maybe I will get into more detailed painting and inks are perfect for that too.