I made this for the Stratford Shakespeare Festival's 50th anniversary and donated it to the Gallery fundraiser. In the bag was something for each play that year. Father Christmas' robe was made from the actual curtains that I bought at a Festival garage sale.
The little people in the photos are created from stone clay with a wire armature. They are about 3 inches tall. The animals are needle felted - sculpted with a single needle and sheep's wool.
This little fella reminded me so much of my younger brother so I had to make him a terrier dog that we had as a toy when we were small. His name is Buddy and he lives in Michigan with a collector who has become a friend.
For a number of years I had both a Christmas and spring line on Ebay; so of course, lots of rabbits.
Donkeys .. of course there have been donkeys over the years.
This fella had arms & legs that moved, fat cheeks and a tiny vest.
DOT was this needle felted cow's name ... didn't take much imagination to come up with that. I'm not sure what thought process put Santa in pajamas, carrying a teddy bear.
The first thing I ever needle felted was a sheep's head. It was so weird that I put a donkey head over it. That doesn't make much sense now that I think about it.
My favourite children's book is 'The Velveteen Rabbit'. This tiny needle felted horse was the 'Skin Horse' in a vyngette that included a 2 inch handmade velveteen rabbit.
Our sweet Airedale, Abby, passed away at 13. We loved her dearly.
This poseable Abby was created with her own hair.
This is John Paul - JP for short. Our current fur kid.
It's made with sheep's wool rather than his own hair, but he sheds enough that I should be able to make him and all his siblings
Yet another donkey. And another kid.
I saw a photo on line of a donkey in real life ... maybe in Italy, that the shepherd took around to pick up the newborn lambs.
Donkeys. Sheep. Kids. Can't get enough of 'em.
I go through phases; sometimes spending years sculpting figures, sometimes playing with fiber, sometimes I am called to paint or play with mixed media. At other times my time is spent writing. At all times I have a camera ready and photography will kidnap me for months on end.

There are far too many mediums and ideas for me to focus on one thing ... it's not how I am wired.

I am passionate and pulled in a thousand directions. That's just how I roll.

These are just a few of the creations that have been born here on the farm over the years.
I have always loved the German style 'Old World' Father Christmas and of course, I am all about animals so these vygnettes have been a particular joy. The Santas and children have all been created from air-dry (stone) clay. The animals have either been needlefelted or re-birthed with layers of clay. 
Since the 90's much of my time was spent developing a Christmas line. I sculpted Father Christmas and Santas from 'polymer' clay as well as Ol' Boys ... my take on the elf.

I started with trade shows in the USA where I supplied dozens of stores with 'One of A Kind' creations. 

That was more work than I could handle so I switched to doing shows in the US in New York, Ohio, Michigan, Washington DC, Kansas and the odd show in Canada.

Next on the agenda, I focused on Ebay for a number of years and was delighted to meet wonderful people and have the opportunity to reach further with my works of heart.

And then ... I needed a rest, so the handsculpted figures have been on hiatus for the last couple years.

I have some plans this year for a whole new line that has me kind of excited.
I started needle felting in 2001. That was long before Google & tutorials. I had one needle & some wool and thought ...now what do I do? It didn't take long to figure it out and I have been poking around ever since.

I love the fact that you just grab a hold of a needle and follow your imagination.

As always, the animals have held a special place in my heart. I have also greatly enjoyed creating art pieces in the form of bags, figures and wall hangings.

I teach the art of needle felting and just need a little encouragement to put a group together - which I will do at any time.
I built my first ark in 1988 and for a few years sold them with carved animals from Kenya and no Noah.

It wasn't long before I was carving my own animals and of course, Noah & Joan because it simply was unacceptable to have a captainless Ark.

I built every ship, right from planing the wood and I watched them sail off all around the world.

Over the years, I have created well over a thousand arks. I ran out of steam awhile back, but I have a feeling I still have an ark or two left in me.
I will do workshops on pretty well everything I do ...  if you put your own group together with 5 people, I will carve a time that's convenient for you. Contact me at evscott@quadro.net
I will have some here at the farm in the spring that will be posted on my Studio page.
I have always seen hair in a grubby, colourful old paint brush - I just added the face & fashion. This is just a quick sampling ... dozens of paintbrushes have gone on to a new life.
I have worked with Alcohol Inks since they first came out which is so long ago that I can't remember. If there is something new and cool, of course I'm going to try it.

I have been a non-painter; not because I wouldn't enjoy it but because I've been busy doing so many other things that I haven't sat down and devoted the countless hours it takes to become proficient. Alcohol Inks have been perfect for me. It fulfills my love for tools and techniques. I am Colour Addict - they are vibrant and rich and blend wonderfully. They move around and can go in their own direction without much guidance on my part. I like that. Sculpting and other things I do take are so detailed that I am happy to play with something I don't have to control so tightly.  All I have to do is decide if I like it or not. Lately I've decided that maybe I will get into more detailed painting and inks are perfect for that too.